(215) 758-9200 Philadelphia Office
Licensed in Pennsylvania, New Jersey & Federal Courts
"When you hire our office you will be treated as a person and your case will be given the time and attention you deserve."
- John M. Walsh

Guns & Weapon Offenses
The Law Office of John M. Walsh expertly defends individuals against gun and weapons charges in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Do not plead guilty to the charge, or accept any offer from the prosecutor, without first consulting an experienced criminal defense lawyer. We protect the accused facing all types of gun offenses and related charges in the state and federal courts. To learn more about challenging gun and weapons charges, contact us for a free initial consultation.
While it is legal to carry a gun with proper documentation and gun licenses in Pennsylvania, there are certain instances where the possession of a firearm or other illegal
weapon will result in weapons charges, including:
Convicted Felon in possession
Straw purchases
Possession of an unregistered gun
Possession of a stolen gun
Possession of an instrument of crime
Possession of a sawed-off shotgun or automatic weapon
While the possession of an illegal weapon is a serious crime in and
of itself, it is often most dangerous when it is an aggravating factor to another crime, such as:
Using a gun or visibly possessing one in the commission of a crime carries a sentencing enhancement to the underlying crime.
Contact the Law Office of John M. Walsh to schedule a free initial consultation.

Our Office
2016 Spuce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Email: john@jmwalshlaw.com
Tel: (215) 758-9200
Fax: (215) 543-3370
1 West Third Street
Suite 200
Media, PA 19063
Email: john@jmwalshlaw.com
Tel: (484) 234-2500
Fax: (215) 543-3370
To Schedule an appointment online, please fill in the following contact form: